Decade in Review
Wow what a decade it has been. I tried to gather some of my favorite photos from the past ten years and quickly realized that would take me days. So I just decided to go with NYE photos from each year. Some cute, some not so cute.
Anyways, so many major life moments happened in the last ten years. Reminiscing while putting this post together has made my heart so happy. I wanted to share some of the most defining moments of the decade in the most simplified way, so I made a list of bullet points. Lots of blog posts and videos by JT are linked towards the end!

+ Started dating JT.
+ Traveled to Costa Rica, Marco Island, Outer Banks, and New York City twice!
+ Graduated from high school.
+ Broke up with JT.
+ Went off to college at West Virginia University (Let's Gooo...Mountaineers!!!)

+ Partied hard and gained 15 lbs my freshman year then cried when my mom told me I gained weight.
+ "Worked" a chill summer job at my neighborhood country club with a few friends.
+ Had a carefree summer (and my favorite summer to date) with my best friends and documented it all on a flip cam that we named Vivian.
+ Got back together with JT in the fall.

+ Made a lot of trips to and from school to visit JT.
+ Flew stand by to Barcelona with my Mom for Spring Break
+ Went on vacation to Marco Island with my family and JT (before they owned their house there.)
+ Helped re-design my parents library in my childhood home.
+ Turned 21 and all of my besties came to visit me at WVU.

+ Rang in the new year on a cruise to the Bahamas, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten with JT, his dad & step mom (girlfriend at the time.)
+ Went to Panama City Beach for spring break with my roommates and had the time of our lives.
+ My Grandma passed away on Mother's Day. I miss her every day.
+ Worked at Pier 1 Imports for the summer.
+ Went to Fort Lauderdale for summer vacay with the fam + JT and became obsessed with GoPro. You can watch the video of our trip here > GoPro: Vacation in Paradise
+ Went to the beach in the Outer Banks twice.
+ JT and I broke up again lol but got back together 2 months later while I was in London.
+ Studied Abroad in London and traveled to Scotland, Ireland, Paris, Amsterdam, Venice, Florence, Tuscany, and Rome. An experience I will cherish forever.

+ Made many more (6 hours one way) trips to and from school to visit JT. He played baseball at William & Mary, so he wasn't able to visit me as much as I could visit him.
+ Went to Hollywood Beach for spring break with family. I had 0 clue it would become my home 2 years later.
+ Went to Charleston/Folly Beach with my Mom for one of JT's baseball games...but really just because I had never visited Charleston haha!
+ Went on vacation with my family and JT to Marco Island. This is when my parents started house hunting.
+ Still obsessed with the GoPro at this point lol.
+ Finally saw Dave Matthews Band live with JT and had the best time.
+ Went to the beach in the Outer Banks again.
+ My parents bought their house in Marco Island, Florida and we spent our first Thanksgiving there!
+ Took a spontaneous trip back to Florida to show JT the house and ended up going to Dolphins game.
+ Celebrated Christmas for the last time in Virginia.

+ Started the new year in Marco Island with JT and the family.
+ Traveled to Tucson and Phoenix with 4 of my best friends for Spring Break.
+ JT and I decided to move to Florida together!
+ We both graduated from college and moved to Hollywood Beach, Florida the following day.
+ Went on an epic vacation with my family to St. Thomas and stayed on a catamaran for 5 nights sailing the Virgin Islands.
+ Accepted my job at Frost Event Productions.
+ Went to Wynwood Walls for the first time. The day after a hurricane.
+ Went to the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show and drooled over all of the things we could/cannot afford.
+ JT's dad and step mom got married in Key West and we stayed on another catamaran to celebrate! Such a fun trip. Life on a Catamaran in the Florida Keys.
+ Got to work on Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganello's wedding floor plans!!!
+ Spent Thanksgiving in Marco Island.
+ JT and I celebrated our first Christmas in Florida.

+ Finally started to like working out (kind of.)
+ Traveled to Key West again with JT's family.
+ Went to my first Miami Heat game.
+ We got Nellie! After drinking all day at the beach lol.
+ Traveled to Dallas, Vegas, St. Thomas, Virginia, Charleston and lots of mini trips around Florida.
+ My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.
+ Celebrated 5 years with JT
+ Celebrated my 25th birthday, explored the Keys, and stayed on a houseboat with JT and Nellie. Staying on a Houseboat in the Keys
+ Another Thanksgiving in Marco Island

+ Mom finished chemo and has been cancer free ever since!! THANK GOD.
+ Took a day trip to the keys.
+ Went to Tortuga Music Festival for the first time
+ Traveled to New Orleans
+ JT and I got engaged!!! In the Virgin Islands on the most amazing catamaran trip!
+ Hunkered down in a hotel during Hurricane Irma with JT, Nellie, and my brother Brad.
+ Traveled to Boston and Salem on Friday the 13th in October. #spooky
+ Went to Denver for my birthday and got to snowboard again finally!
+ Another Thanksgiving in Marco Island, except this year JT, my brothers and I all got to stay in a condo on the beach and it was EPIC.
+ Started wedding planning and house hunting

+ Took a party bus to Top Golf for our friends birthday and it was SO FUN.
+ Went to Tortuga Music Festival again. This video is the besttt.
+ My parents threw JT and I an engagement party in our hometown (Williamsburg, VA) and it was the last party we had at my childhood home.
+ My bridesmaids flew down to Florida to go wedding dress shopping with me!
+ Spent a day at Gulfstream Park pretending to be reality tv stars lol

+ I did a whole blog post about 2019! link below :)